1.   The application form encouraged artists to submit proposals for installation, murals, outdoor sculpture.

2.   The final step is to submit the proposal to senior management for a Decision on its acceptability.

3.   The manager submits proposals for changes in the nursing establishment, based on the establishment profile.

4.   The other bidders submitted fine proposals that could be revived if the Allied deal fell apart, Horn said.

5.   They invited state employees to voluntarily submit proposals for projects to improve performance.

6.   Two groups were shortlisted to submit financial proposals last October.

7.   We have submitted proposals for a new pay structure to the board of management.

8.   We will endeavour to provide helpful advice on finding partners and submitting proposals.

9.   The Defence Ministry was ordered to submit proposals for military reform, including reducing the strength of the armed forces and moving from a conscript to a professional army.

v. + proposal >>共 421
reject 11.10%
make 4.92%
discuss 4.11%
submit 3.87%
accept 3.25%
approve 2.98%
consider 2.81%
present 2.59%
support 2.25%
study 2.04%
submit + n. >>共 490
report 8.27%
proposal 7.79%
resignation 6.13%
bid 6.11%
plan 5.26%
application 4.20%
bill 2.55%
list 1.97%
name 1.97%
request 1.86%
每页显示:    共 417