1.   Her financial problems were causing her a lot of stress.

2.   Money problems often cause Marriage breakdown.

3.   Problems caused by using fuel with a too low Octane rating.

4.   The problem is causing widespread concern among scientists.

5.   Logistical problems may be causing the delay.

6.   A software problem is causing the system to malfunction.

7.   He claims Southern Water failed in its duty to prevent health problems caused by piping sewage into the sea.

8.   His drink problem caused the break up of his marriage.

9.   Kidney problems can cause hypertension, and conversely, hypertension can damage kidneys.

n. + cause >>共 1473
rain 1.85%
attack 1.21%
problem 1.17%
disease 1.11%
explosion 1.03%
bomb 0.96%
drug 0.95%
storm 0.92%
blast 0.92%
virus 0.88%
problem + v. >>共 326
be 56.64%
arise 2.80%
remain 1.94%
occur 1.33%
come 1.28%
exist 1.26%
have 1.18%
lie 1.15%
begin 1.11%
go 1.01%
cause 0.76%
每页显示:    共 162