1.   Doctors also plan an autopsy to find out whether the anthrax that infected Nguyen was from the same strain that killed the three other victims.

2.   Hultin removed her lungs and also took tissue from the lungs of the three other victims, even though he doubted that their decaying tissue would contain virus particles.

3.   Ms. Johnson was in critical condition on Monday, while the other two victims were stable, said Susan Diamond, director of communications for St. Elizabeth.

4.   Police were searching for the three other surviving victims, but they declined to say Monday whether they had found any of them.

5.   She was a co-worker of the two other victims in what authorities now believe was a criminal act.

6.   The bodies of the other four victims were recovered from the reservoir in the last week.

7.   The dismembered remains of the other three victims were discovered in nine duffel bags in the Mokelumne River in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta a few days later.

8.   The four other victims were buried in a Bethany Slavic Missionary Church cemetery not far from the church.

9.   The other five victims were taken to hospitals in Brooklyn and Queens with less serious injuries.

10.   The other three victims were Army crew members stationed in Florida.

a. + victim >>共 802
the 10.33%
alleged 4.50%
latest 4.36%
first 3.45%
innocent 3.23%
fallen 1.86%
shooting 1.74%
bombing 1.70%
other 1.63%
potential 1.60%
other + n. >>共 1427
man 3.00%
member 2.95%
candidate 2.73%
team 2.49%
country 2.11%
state 1.78%
player 1.72%
suspect 1.58%
defendant 1.55%
victim 1.52%
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