1.   A new pattern of enforcing old laws and enacting new ones evolved.

2.   Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness.

3.   Any architect knows that, as a rule, old buildings are more soundly built than new ones.

4.   As discussed above, all the techniques which have been implemented have resolved some problems but created new ones.

5.   As each external tank is only used once, a new one must be supplied from the manufacturers for every launch.

6.   Be wary of advisers who recommend that you sell all your current investments in order to buy new ones.

7.   But that life was over now and a new one lay ahead.

8.   Did he want to work with the same people over a period of time or have a constant stream of new ones?

9.   During this time, the top layer of your skin is shed to reveal a fresh new one.

10.   Eight existing modules are being revised and two new ones are being developed in video production and role play.

a. + one >>共 1064
only 8.66%
new 6.21%
loved 4.78%
first 2.82%
old 2.62%
good 2.51%
last 2.09%
big 1.77%
next 1.10%
second 1.09%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
每页显示:    共 2411