1.   As the crisis deepened, it became clear that the government was losing control.

2.   At that point, humans lose control.

3.   But although it recovered the land, it lost control of the sea.

4.   Cheek said one driver had lost control of his car and spun out, rolling down an embankment, but was unhurt.

5.   Danny lost control on a tight bend, and the car ran off the road.

6.   Davidson lost control of himself and started yelling.

7.   Excessive drinking can make you lose control of your own life.

8.   First, we have a fear of losing control.

v. + control >>共 416
take 18.65%
lose 9.36%
have 8.88%
regain 4.23%
gain 3.81%
retain 3.78%
seize 3.35%
maintain 2.88%
tighten 2.44%
keep 2.39%
lose + n. >>共 773
job 6.42%
money 4.88%
control 3.64%
game 2.65%
ground 2.64%
weight 2.04%
power 1.18%
interest 1.16%
sight 0.99%
confidence 0.99%
每页显示:    共 1566