1.   It is up to Jim and Bess Hunt to investigate the case.

2.   Similarly, social workers were issued with handbooks and directives about the correct procedure to follow when investigating cases of suspected abuse.

3.   The agency Declined to release the results of its own tests of the product and said it is still investigating the case.

4.   The report investigated seven cases in detail, and in four of them said there was sufficient evidence to mount a prosecution.

5.   Threats have been made against the judge who is investigating the case.

6.   He said he hoped the Swiss authorities would investigate the case thoroughly and without prejudice.

7.   The police are investigating the case but they have not yet made any arrests.

8.   The case is being investigated by Scotland Yard.

9.   Japan said that North Korea had agreed in July to investigate the case, a claim which North Korea denied.

10.   On the request of Defence Minister Patricio Rojas Saavedra, the Supreme Court appointed a special judge to investigate the case.

v. + case >>共 478
hear 5.28%
take 4.77%
make 4.50%
investigate 3.49%
handle 3.13%
discuss 2.95%
settle 2.31%
dismiss 2.30%
review 2.17%
report 2.11%
investigate + n. >>共 593
case 6.99%
allegation 6.81%
incident 6.30%
cause 4.60%
report 4.18%
complaint 2.67%
claim 2.42%
death 2.36%
accident 2.25%
charge 2.22%
每页显示:    共 856