1.   That helped drive world growth, boosting global demand for everything from oil and aeroplanes to soya beans.

2.   They share the view that nuclear energy can play an important role in meeting global demands for energy.

3.   Aluminum prices have surged this year on signs that global demand from builders, automakers and industry may be outpacing supply.

4.   Analysts, both on the sell side and buy side, think the shares can rise a lot further because global demand for computers is growing.

5.   Analysts said the mining shares are also expected to profit from the growing global demand for electronics parts which use their metals.

6.   And that allowed him to confuse other traders about the true size of his holdings and thus the real level of global demand.

7.   Asia accounts for about a quarter of world oil consumption and its fast-growing economies led the rise in global demand last year.

8.   At the same, Asian economies are recovering from a slump, increasing global demand.

9.   Because the U.S. is the largest energy consuming nation, traders focus on the figures as a leading indicator of global demand and supply.

10.   Boeing Co., the Seattle-based aircraft manufacturer, continues to hire workers to meet global demand for its commercial aircraft.

a. + demand >>共 682
strong 7.04%
domestic 5.12%
increased 3.67%
growing 3.37%
weak 2.69%
high 2.22%
increasing 1.79%
new 1.49%
key 1.46%
rising 1.36%
global 1.17%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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