1.   Crowds gathered in central Lima last Sunday night to cheer his narrow victory over former president Alan Garcia.

2.   Former president Nixon strongly criticized Bush for failing to respond to the crisis in the republics with a massive aid program.

3.   He assumed power after the assassination of the former president.

4.   He is examining a campaign finance scandal involving Bank Bali that has connections to former president B.J.

5.   He met Saleh after a memorial ceremony for former president Fran?

6.   He said the former president might join the chorus of high-ranking Republicans and former government officials urging Powell to join the ticket.

7.   In Los Angeles, a Reagan spokeswoman said the former president was pleased the line-item veto had finally been signed into law.

8.   One notable exception was John Tower, the choice for defence secretary of former president George Bush.

9.   The former president could face criminal charges.

10.   The former president has agreed to mediate the peace talks.

a. + president >>共 409
former 19.74%
new 8.33%
first 3.61%
next 2.95%
russian 2.41%
american 2.02%
yugoslav 1.99%
the 1.85%
french 1.76%
current 1.71%
former + n. >>共 731
president 5.40%
republic 4.08%
colony 2.07%
coach 2.03%
minister 1.68%
leader 1.67%
player 1.49%
member 1.32%
employee 1.30%
government 1.28%
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