1.   Human rights lawyers filed an appeal to the supreme court.

2.   No sooner had voters approved Prop.

3.   Then they filed another appeal in the federal courts challenging the constitutionality of the death penalty.

4.   Almost all are still constitutionally entitled to file appeals.

5.   Also, an appeal may be filed with the Georgia Supreme Court.

6.   An appeal has been filed, and the case is pending.

7.   Amnesty International and the five other rights groups have until noon Tuesday to file any appeals of their own.

8.   An appeal has been filed.

9.   And he telegraphed that his lawyers in Florida were prepared to file an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if the Florida justices did not rule in his favor.

10.   And the government cannot ask the Supreme Court to take the case until the overall appeal is filed.

v. + appeal >>共 520
file 8.68%
reject 7.24%
have 6.73%
make 5.74%
hear 5.53%
pend 3.98%
consider 3.95%
lose 3.65%
lodge 2.18%
issue 2.09%
file + n. >>共 230
charge 16.32%
lawsuit 15.33%
suit 14.70%
complaint 9.95%
appeal 4.08%
motion 3.15%
report 2.99%
claim 2.73%
petition 2.16%
paper 1.88%
每页显示:    共 633