1.   Clinton and Simitis agreed that the protests were overshadowed by deepening ties between the United States and Greece.

2.   Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen met with Israeli leaders Monday and agreed to begin talks on deepening ties between the two countries.

3.   Gore stressed that any growth of NATO toward Eastern Europe must include deepening ties with Russia, which is jittery about NATO expansion into the former Soviet Union.

4.   Hashimoto and Kim also agreed to double youth exchanges and promote the flow of traditional culture as a means of deepening friendly ties.

5.   He said no list of likely NATO expansion members had been drawn up and stressed that any growth of NATO toward Eastern Europe must include deepening ties with Russia.

6.   On the other hand, ASEAN has managed to form a consensus on deepening ties with former Cold War enemies.

7.   On Monday, Qian met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and decided to begin talks on deepening economic ties in February .

8.   Pope John Paul II arrived in Tunisia early Sunday for a daylong visit aimed at deepening ties between the Vatican and Islam.

9.   South Korean Prime Minister Lee Hong-koo left for home Monday after a six-day visit hailed as a sign of deepening ties with China.

10.   The two agreed that four committees on deepening ties in electronics, agriculture, health and communications would begin work in February.

a. + tie >>共 447
close 12.52%
diplomatic 9.65%
economic 8.39%
closer 5.96%
bilateral 4.41%
strong 4.28%
military 2.36%
family 2.34%
political 1.76%
scoreless 1.70%
deepening 0.11%
deepening + n. >>共 170
crisis 21.25%
concern 4.21%
recession 4.03%
problem 3.48%
poverty 2.75%
trouble 2.20%
tie 2.20%
woe 2.20%
rift 2.01%
division 2.01%
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