21.   Congress and many state legislatures are considering bills that would establish detailed standards for health plans, which generally oppose new government regulation.

22.   Congress, for instance, is considering bills that would allow networks to own more TV stations, including ownership of more than one station in a given city.

23.   Critics plan their attack on the program when the House considers the farm bill, probably this fall.

24.   Currently, Congress is considering several bills that would extend a moratorium on new Internet taxes.

25.   Congress is considering tax bills that would provide permanent status to partnerships such as Alliance but require them to pay an excise tax on gross income, Alliance said.

26.   Czwartacki also said no decision had been made on whether to consider bills that would confer either U.S. citizenship or permanent residency status on the boy.

27.   Currently, Congress is considering a bill that would cut U.S. aid to the Palestinians if they declare statehood unilaterally.

28.   Dan Weiler, a spokesman for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, said that the Democrats were also interested in protecting residents and would carefully consider the bill.

29.   Dodd said he would not allow both bills to be considered.

30.   Democrats acknowledged that with Republicans in control of Congress, they face an uphill battle in getting their bill considered.

v. + bill >>共 459
pay 10.06%
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foot 2.20%
send 1.74%
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consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
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