61.   IRAs and employer sponsor plans are considered to be the best options for retirement investments.

62.   Iris, we consider we need to revisit a thread about Fox not even stating upon a story until a system of administration forced her out.

63.   Iron deficiency is considered as one of the major causes for premature hair loss.

64.   Iron is actually considered to be an essential nutrient since it is what transports the oxygen in our blood.

65.   Ironically, longhaired Exotics are not considered Persians by CFA, although The International Cat Association accepts them as Persians.

66.   Ironically, other members of his family consider becoming priests.

67.   Irregularities in functioning of the pancreas are considered abnormal.

68.   Irrespective of the age group, aerobics are considered the best exercises for weight loss.

69.   Is considered to be a mild preservative with no known problems when applied topically.

70.   Is "Oriental" considered a racist term?

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