51.   Iowa crops are considered "mostly in good condition" according to the latest crop and weather report from the U.S.D.A.

52.   Iowa is considered a Top 10 team.

53.   IPM is considered not only safer for the environment, but safer for people, pets and secondary scavengers such as owls.

54.   Iran considers Brazil to be one of its most important allies.

55.   Iran considers us the Great Satan, Israel the Lesser Satan.

56.   Iran publicly considers America to be the Great Satan.

57.   Iranian deterrent capacity is considered an illegitimate exercise of sovereignty that interferes with US global designs.

58.   Iranian deterrent capacity is considered an illegitimate exercise of sovereignty that interferes with U.S. global designs.

59.   Iranian law considers the age of maturation for girls nine, and for boys 15.

60.   Iraq will still be considered a war zone.

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