1.   He survived the surgery, and I cautiously began to pose questions.

2.   He began to pose hypotheticals.

3.   He said wildfire, particularly in outlying subdivisions are beginning to pose a real threat to urban locations, where loss of life and property could be devastating.

4.   Once Buddy grows to full size, everyone but Trudy seems to accept the fact that he may begin to pose some problems.

5.   Over the past year, his school and the nine others around the world cooperating with him, have begun to pose ethical questions within the general curriculum.

6.   Without a base, conditions deteriorate rapidly so that bare patches and rocks begin to pose a hazard.

7.   Later, as government troops grew more organized, the Islamic fighters began to pose problems because of their undisciplined and often violent methods.

8.   Later, as government troops became better organized, the Islamic fighters began to pose problems because of their indiscipline and often violent methods.

9.   Growing joblessness is beginning to pose serious social problems, especially in the major cities whose populations have been bloating with the influx of rural unemployed.

v. to pose >>共 69
continue 14.58%
appear 9.82%
expect 8.04%
believe 5.95%
seem 5.95%
refuse 3.57%
have 3.57%
try 2.98%
begin 2.68%
agree 2.38%
begin to v. >>共 1064
take 2.38%
feel 1.89%
look 1.73%
make 1.45%
show 1.36%
fall 1.35%
see 1.26%
get 1.13%
change 1.09%
emerge 0.99%
pose 0.03%
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