11.   Taking the charge more slowly increases net income and makes a company look more profitable.

12.   The chairman usually takes charge of the proceedings and Decides who will speak next.

13.   The more timid personalities must be encouraged to take charge and to give orders.

14.   There are lots of companies who will take charge of this whole operation, including the printing and fixing of the labels.

15.   They took charge of their new positions at different stages in the business cycle.

16.   Tom Haarala took charge on Wednesday.

17.   Understandably, Anna Mae herself took the charges more seriously.

18.   We can even take charge of your entire logistics function, so you can redeploy assets, gain flexibility, reduce risk.

19.   With Nina out of the office, however, some one was going to have to take nominal charge.

v. + charge >>共 338
deny 18.21%
face 15.71%
file 11.12%
take 5.68%
drop 5.16%
bring 4.59%
dismiss 2.83%
press 2.59%
lead 1.53%
reject 1.25%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
charge 0.70%
每页显示:    共 1293