91.  Depending on what you buy and how long you take to pay, finance charges can turn a bargain into a pricey proposition.

92.  Depending on what you do with a computer, that time period could be longer or shorter.

93.  Depending on when you buy your ticket, Burning Man can cost $95 to $250.

94.  Depending on where you live and where you're going, you can save a bundle in gas and parking fees.

95.  Depending on where you put your money, you could have made a fortune or lost a bundle investing in Massachusetts technology stocks in the just completed second quarter.

96.  Depending on whether you believe Rtmark, Illegal Art or neither, the CD has sold 1,000 copies, 10,000 copies or none of the above.

97.  Depending on which belief you hold, you will make decisions that follow your code of ethics.

98.  Depending on which computer you use, Tulane has the nation's 104th toughest schedule.

99.  Depending on which estimate you believe, government and business worldwide spent either $320 billion or $500 billion on Y2K fixes.

100.  Depending on which retelling you believe, Woolf either struck the dirt track head-first, or his helmeted skull first struck the wooden rail.

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