91.  If you have interests and are willing to work hard, girls can still learn science well.

92.  Or you meet someone first, you may ask them about their majors.

93.  So if you open the list of elective courses on our campus, you will find the number of students who choose the humanities surely beyond their needs, but science departments are often empty.

94.  The process of thinking and counting can make you have a sense of achievement.

95.  I thought you are always busy with study!

96.  "Here are all the materials you'll need to finish the registration this afternoon.

97.  Before you start the procedure, don't forget to have a photo taken with the flag of DII to mark this special day.

98.  Thank you.

99.  "Did you see that?

100.  Next time, when you meet a new guy, pay attention not to be lost in this trap.

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