51.  Obviously, with the demand of the international communication in the field of commerce, politics and academic, English, as the most widely used language, is significant.

52.  Through reading widely, your vocabulary can be improved enormously, rapidly, and effectively.

53.  Computers are used widely today in psychology to administer personality-profile questionnaires, keep records, and make diagnoses.

54.  Paula Selmi of the University of Wisconsin has been successful in treating depression, which is the most widely reported psychological complaint in America.

55.  Glanz chose the third option-the one most widely used-and told the teacher that the pages needed to complete the assignment had been ripped from the book.

56.  As is widely recognized , boys and girls communicate in different ways.

57.  It is widely agreed that communication is the crucial instrument to get on well with others.

58.  It is widely accepted that men have higher ability of mathematical logic.

59.  It's quite common that men are different with women in many ways , which has been widely accepted .

60.  It's widely accepted among men that strong muscle are suitable for them .

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