71.  Depending upon what's available, perhaps you can batch some of your other paid time off with the vacation benefit.

72.  Depends on what kind of people you're talking about, I suppose.

73.  Depends on what Rizzuto does.

74.  Depends on what you call chicken.

75.  Depfa did not say what the new name will be.

76.  DePlasco has vowed to help Schillaci fight his case against what he claims is less a safety issue than one of driver entrapment.

77.  DEPOSIT_INSURANCE (undated)_ Commercial banks are getting ahuge cut in what they pay for deposit insurance.

78.  Designers are still grappling with what comes next after minimalism.

79.  Designers contend clients typically already have most of what they need; it just needs to be moved around.

80.  Desmond Howard was taken by Washington with the fourth overall pick in 1992 and has never achieved what was expected of him.

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