11.  These are skills needed to achieve good communication and ultimately, gain success.

12.  Ultimately, the public opinion should not be stinted, whatever voice ought to have a right to be noticed.

13.  Based on the values can a woman ultimately reach her self-esteem.

14.  Review of Educational Research, Winter 1996, Vol. 66, No. 4, pp. 543-578) A student's sense of self-efficacy not only influences academic choices, but also influences a student's level of effort and persistence, ultimately, influences the true accomplishment.

15.  Thus the only thing They can do is to improve abilities as much as possible, which will inevitably urge them to confront with pressures , challenge themselves and ultimately step on the road to success.

16.  Ultimately, suggestions from the elder are also important as it is not wise to work behind closed doors.

17.  In reality, two sex-separate groups trying to hammer out such and such an agreement may ultimately fail, unable to understand each other.

18.  Ultimately, they lived with each other happily.

19.  Ultimately, it strikes her that what is her true love.

20.  Ultimately, my uncle promised that he would buy a white one for me, which made me so ablaze.

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