11.  As a general rule, changing the Constitution should be considered a last resort, reserved for issues of truly fundamental importance that cannot be resolved in standard ways.

12.  Arthur C. Clarke is a science-fiction writer who truly embraces the future.

13.  Demos's decision against a blood transfusion, Smith said, could become "truly irreversible."

14.  Despite its innovative safety features, handsome exterior styling and plush interior, it is driving the 5-Series that truly stirs the passions.

15.  Despite the image of power and control emanating from these meetings, the lives of power brokers are not without the unexpected, bizarre and truly funny.

16.  Despite the odds against winning twice on Houston's court, the Liberty players said they truly believed they could bring down this dynasty.

17.  Despite the glib claims of Republican National Committee advertisements, there is no way to make health insurance truly portable unless all jobs come with health insurance.

18.  Detroit Pistons forward Grant Hill is recognized as one of the NBA's truly nice guys, as well as one of its top talents.

19.  Despite their sensational testimony, the militia leaders seemed intent on proving that they truly represented the mainstream of the American people.

20.  Developing an active imagination is truly one of the most fulfilling parts of human development.

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