71.  For one thing, present-day students attach too much importance to the study of English, which they think will be a useful tool for their future career.

72.  However, there are too much Chinese student doesn't know how to learn English correctly.

73.  In different sentences, the same word has a lot of meaning; the same word has different usage in different sentences too.

74.  The old man missed her so much that he went to Sacramento, too.

75.  The evening before her departure, Clyde said"I love you" to her and she replied, "I love you too".

76.  As far as l am concerned, we should not interfere with college students who are in love too much.

77.  As we all know, vocabulary is much too crucial to the individuals who learn foreign language.

78.  They have taken in the same culture too long and it is high time to break the boundaries among different groups and races, so that people will no longer give in to their group leader.

79.  Surely new friends will enrich my life too.

80.  At the same time, we must study well too.

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