1.  Mexico has tightened security along its southern border.

2.  The prison was ordered to tighten security after a prisoner escaped yesterday.

3.  This move to tighten security is good news for card users.

4.  Wardair yesterday accepted responsibilty and disclosed plans to tighten security.

5.  High crime areas have been targeted for measures aimed at tightening security at business premises and homes.

6.  A HOSPITAL is tightening its security after a nurse was knifed in a lift.

7.  Although Portland officials decline to reveal specific precautions, security has been tightened around water reservoirs and public buildings.

8.  And from what I saw Monday during my trip from Newark to Chicago and back, passengers seemed to welcome the armed guards and tightened security.

9.  Another block away, security was tightened outside the Florida Supreme Court in anticipation of an announcement.

10.  Arriving in the midst of the Wen Ho Lee scandal, he calmed Congress by tightening security.

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