91.  As a congressman from Buffalo, he gave community activists unusual access, often inviting those with opposing views to come to his office for debates.

92.  As a consequence, each has loaned his influential voice to those calling for Republicans to stand together behind their speaker.

93.  Despite all those changes, Kodak had just over 90,000 employees at the end of last year, according to Paul Allen, a Kodak spokesman.

94.  Despite all those contingency checks, the fine print on the back of the letter reveals that only one sweepstakes entrant will win the $7,500 grand prize.

95.  Despite all those deep aerials, the Jets' defensive backs have only 2 interceptions.

96.  Despite all those who wanted to be at Yankee Stadium on Wednesday, for the missing, baseball itself isn't quite the same either.

97.  Despite charges that the 1981 tax relief favored those making the most, their share of the tax burden subsequently rose.

98.  Deloitte & Touche, the accounting firm, has done those calculations.

99.  Delors will be missed -- especially by the socialists and those favoring a more federal Europe, two causes now bereft of a popular champion.

100.  DELRAY BEACH, Fla. _ In those seven minutes, all of those wedding day fears and frustrations were forgotten.

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