31.  Any situation is really exciting when you have known great times, then fallen on hard ones.

32.  Derian Hatcher then scored his first on the season, converting a perfect feed from Jamie Langenbrunner on the power play at the 8:25 mark.

33.  DeRienzo and his sister were close as close can be, twins and then some.

34.  Dern is a natural as her developing character _ amiable and unsure at first, then amiable and confused and ultimately mad as can be.

35.  Deglaze the pan with the water, then add the parsnips, carrots, celery root, tomato paste, salt, pepper and lemon juice.

36.  Deja Vu is a roller coaster that pulls riders backward up a 177-foot tower, then drops them through loops and twists at up to 65 mph.

37.  DeJesus' tormentor then initiated an insistent pattern of harassment _ notes on lockers, hissed threats, things a city kid learns to deal with.

38.  Del Franco, then 62, assembled a team of experts to study the plane's de-icing system.

39.  Del Piero then replaced Baggio.

40.  Del Tredici asked permission of the building's owner to take some cuttings from the yellow part, and then propagated the plant at the arboretum's greenhouses.

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