1.  Vanessa Britton suggests some courses to improve your technical knowledge.

2.  However, no reference is made to the current state of technical knowledge, the "means" to be employed or any relevant codes of practice, unlike the Control of Pollution Act 1974, s.72, in relation to the control of noise.

3.  Weber was impressed with the development and accomplishments of bureaucracy, and especially with the role of technical knowledge in bureaucratic administration which he regarded as the primary source of the superiority of bureaucracy as an organisation.

4.  Second, as well as being rather homogeneous with respect to age, contract computer staff share an exclusive body of technical knowledge and this, despite their individualism, promotes a sense of common identity.

5.  It is this philosophy, he argues, rather than a body of technical knowledge, which drives the behaviour of professionals in their interactions with parents.

6.  Microcomputers are now common in homes as well as in schools and one uncomfortable fact facing school librarians and teachers is that pupils have a much greater technical knowledge of microcomputers than they have.

7.  The course aims to develop the technical knowledge and ability to make decisions about appropriate methods and strategies for livestock development.

8.  For Lindsay," a democratic nation has to be a well-educated nation", and this necessitated combining the technical knowledge of the expert with the practical experience and understanding of the" common life" of the ordinary public.

9.  generally little technical knowledge, nor interest in technical detail

10.  His testing experience and technical knowledge of our car will be invaluable to the team."

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