81.  As a result, Bruce Seldon says that HE is suddenly feeling much better."

82.  Doctors have been victimized, too, if their names suddenly appear on large numbers of phony claims without their knowledge or authorization.

83.  Doctors said that his heart had suddenly changed rhythm, restricting oxygen to his brain.

84.  Does Britain suddenly have a shortage of young actresses?

85.  Does getting "elected" [sic] suddenly confer great insight and wisdom upon him?

86.  Does the fighter with the tide running in his direction suddenly stop punching because the other guy is weakened?

87.  Does the Lone Ranger suddenly go Gucci and leave his mask on the dresser top?

88.  Does this mean Jerry has suddenly become smarter?

89.  Doing all manner of film work for Corman, from inserts to writing and editing, Hill was suddenly in the epicenter of the exploitation movie world.

90.  Dole and Clinton seem to be too well known for any new issue, suddenly unearthed by oppo, to destroy them.

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