1.  The viewpoint that the university is the heaven of entertainment sprang up at the end of the last century, and is still popular nowadays.

2.  Teachers have to think more teaching methods instead of leaving them still.

3.  He once wrote about a college student, who wanted to find a job when he was still a freshman.

4.  Until now, many of the students still have this kind of stereotype about choosing jobs.

5.  I think to eliminate this kind of stereotype, we still need a long-term effort.

6.  When all the plans have been finished, they watch some episodes in English---still about English.

7.  Though the university is a place for study, I think we still need to observe the world and learn how to get on with others.

8.  I still remember how I was treated when I took an interview for positions in the Youth League Committee at the end of freshman year.

9.  If you think these still make sense, you will not stand the following items made up about a physics student: handling relationships shabbily, caring about study only, or having no talent for drawing and music.

10.  Worse still, with the results reported, knowing that I even got no place at all, I felt that my face blushed, full of anxiety, but I tried to force a smile.

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