11.  When employees stay at home dealing with files or planning a program, they feel very relaxed and they may consider the work somewhat like cleaning the house or other household duties.

12.  To face yourself all day, especially when nothing to do, you will more or less feel enervated and somewhat down.

13.  I think we cannot be friends because I am energetic, lighthearted and like to play, but he is somewhat slothful, he likes sleeping and sitting.

14.  Self-evident as it is, the significance of self-knowing is always somewhat ignored.

15.  Therefore, riding is somewhat pleasant.

16.  Boys may be somewhat cold for girls who always participate apparently.

17.  The way in which boys communicate is straightforward and somewhat telling jokes by and large.

18.  To my way of thinking, the two ideas somewhat are all extreme.

19.  As the contests are somewhat subjective , contestants may make every efforts to make up, try to please the judges and ignore promote their intension.

20.  Moreover, conversations among boys are usually more casual and they won't take these to heart, even some of which are somewhat irritating.

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