21.  For man is slowly poisoning his environment.

22.  Career women's attitudes to work are changing slowly but surely.

23.  On the other hand, women often do things carefully and slowly.

24.  As the saying goes 'Wasting your time is slowly committing suicide ' In my opinion , we should do some meaningful things within our short and limited lifetime.

25.  As far as I am concerned, first of all, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.

26.  Because it is slowly, so we have time enough.

27.  Secondly, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.

28.  But something slowly began to dawn on him - He still loved what he did.

29.  I said this words slowly, staring at Robert Frost, to beg his reaction.

30.  B. Cycling slowly in order to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road is necessary.

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