1.  As Arizona governor from 1978 to 1987, Babbitt helped develop the state's landmark groundwater management law, which has since become a model for other states.

2.  Del Monte, offered at $15 per share in February, has since skidded to $13.63.

3.  Department of Energy investigators have since revealed the May 14 explosion in the southeast Washington plant released plumes of oxides of nitrogen and nitric acid.

4.  Curfews have since been imposed in parts of the state.

5.  Delta has since dismantled the Frankfurt hub and built up overseas flights from the Kennedy Airport gateway.

6.  Currency traders who got burned then have been wary of betting against the dollar ever since.

7.  Current and former central bank leaders have since confirmed this.

8.  Cushing has since shifted his interest to the cause of this growth and its consequences.

9.  Despite having surrendered all of this year's gains in the five weeks since, the Dow is now back up 3.6 percent.

10.  Despite his denials, Rose was banned from the game by former commissioner Bart Giamatti and has since applied for reinstatement.

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