1.  Department stores have pulled back sharply from selling furniture.

2.  Department stores like Dillard's may be in for a challenge this holiday season if other retailers sharply discount, said Islandberg.

3.  Depending on events in world markets overnight and in the futures markets that morning, stocks can open sharply higher or lower than they closed the night before.

4.  Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz outlined a strategy that is sharply different from the grand coalition the United States constructed during the Persian Gulf War 10 years ago.

5.  Dell Computer Corp. (DELL): The personal computer maker reported first-quarter earnings and sales rose sharply.

6.  Delta also benefited from sharply lower fuel costs, paying an average of 56.7 cents vs. 73.8 cents.

7.  Demand for the Aerostar rose so sharply that plans to discontinue its production were shelved.

8.  Demand for the Disney bonds was so strong that the size of offering was sharply increased twice this week.

9.  Despite how sharply divided Congress will be in the new year, online privacy legislation is likely to get traction when the 107th Congress convenes in January.

10.  Despite a pre-market cut in interest rates and companies' repurchase of their own shares, the market slides sharply.

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