91.  Any potentially controversy passage in the encyclopedia is, he said, clearly labeled so.

92.  Dennis Clark, director of emergency preparedness for Charleston County, said Hugo has convinced many they should take precautions early.

93.  Dennis Cocking, spokesman for the district, said that it will cost tens of millions of dollars to clean up the wells or drill new wells.

94.  Dennis Costello, president of All Seasons Air Conditioning in West Babylon, N.Y., said that at least three estimates should be obtained.

95.  Dennis DesRosiers, a Toronto-based auto industry consultant, said the main reason workers in the industry joined a union today was because of incompetent management.

96.  Dennis DesRosiers, president of DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc. in Toronto, said Kempston Darkes deserved the award.

97.  Dennis Engel, president of the Elway Foundation, the quarterback's charitable organization, said the same thing.

98.  Dennis Euwer, who also testified before the grand jury about the Geary Lake sighting, said he was visited by two FBI agents and a prosecutor in August.

99.  Dennis F. Strigl, the chief executive of Bell Atlantic Nynex Mobile, said the company would announce a new brand identity later this year.

100.  Dennis Fusco, chief economist for the Washington Employment Security Department, said inventory buildups occur with wholesalers and retailers in response to customer demand.

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