1.  Despite promises, he has yet to resolve conflict of interest issues relating to his business empire.

2.  Good assignments will also require the student to answer some technical catering questions and resolve syllabus issues.

3.  He favored letting the moral issues be resolved by communities governing themselves at the local level.

4.  His commitment to the transformation of society through identifying and resolving structural issues is very intense.

5.  In the same way, the size of the PacTel vote provides an incentive for the company to resolve this issue.

6.  It is by no means easy to resolve such issues, and we can provide no firm solutions here.

7.  Lawyer B, however, tried to resolve the issue in the terms of the presenting, everyday, discourse.

8.  No deadline has been set to resolve the issue.

9.  Teachers can encourage children to resolve issues themselves and develop autonomy.

10.  The Conservative government resolved the issue by statute.

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