1.  Deputy sheriffs around the state have recently joined a union, as have more than 3,000 graduate school assistants at the State University of New York.

2.  Denmark's first new note, worth 100 krone, recently entered circulation.

3.  Dennis Keegan, the head of proprietary trading business, recently resigned from Salomon Brothers.

4.  Cuba opened one recently, and it was so successful that now they're talking about opening them on roads all over the island.

5.  Cuba recently opened an embassy in Trinidad, and Castro may also visit Jamaica sometime in 1998, diplomats said.

6.  Cuban and two doctoral students recently spent seven months visiting 11 preschool and kindergarten classrooms in the Silicon Valley area, watching children use computers and interviewing teachers.

7.  Der Spiegel spoke with her recently in Jordan.

8.  Degremont shares recently traded at 465 francs, down 2.7 percent or 13 francs.

9.  Del Ali, president of Political/Media Research, says California's numbers are consistent with other states polled recently.

10.  Delaware recently enacted a law requiring sex offenders to be so identified on their driver's licenses.

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