61.  Recently online education comes into every student's life.

62.  Looking through it, many changes has undergone recently.

63.  Recently an increasing number of single women have failed to find their Mr. Right.

64.  Different Communicative Ways among Boys and Girls\

65.  This topic has aroused a heated debate recently.

66.  For instance, the French government introduced tough new immigration legislation on September 29, 2010 that would make it easier to expel illegal residents and strip recently naturalized citizens of their French passports.

67.  Recently, studying abroad has become a common phenomenon in our life.

68.  Around 27, 200 Chinese nationals chose to return and work in China after finishing studying abroad at their own expense in 2005, up 47.9 percent from the previous year, the Ministry of Education said recently.

69.  Recently , studying abroad has been getting more and more popular in China.

70.  My view on beauty contest\

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