21.  A sale is being held to raise funds for the school.

22.  A simple weaving shed or thread separator is used to raise and lower the warp threads through which the weft is woven.

23.  A special show is being put on to raise money for famine victims in Africa.

24.  A student undergoes a prolonged period of performing stamina exercises aimed at raising the heart rate and improving overall fitness.

25.  A wind picks up, so we Decide to raise the sails.

26.  A worthy successor has emerged with the Annual Gala, raising funds to help village projects and renovations.

27.  Abortion is becoming a political football misrepresented by the right to raise money and advance political agendas.

28.  About the middle of March came the Budget with proposals to raise the taxes needed to finance this spending.

29.  About this time, too, will have taken place an incident, said to have done much to raise morale.

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