21.  Cuomo, who was in Hyannis for the family wedding, quickly became a liaison, sources said.

22.  Despite being on a young reporter's salary, Amtrak's torture chamber of six-hour rides quickly lost me to airplanes.

23.  Delta Air Lines made the first move late last week, and United, Northwest and American quickly copied it.

24.  Demand attention quickly.

25.  Current software, however, demands that users speak at a normal, conversational pace, with the words quickly flooding the screen.

26.  Desalination projects can be completed quickly, says IDE, which has been building them elsewhere in the world for 30 years.

27.  Describe the problem, and let him know how important it is to him and to the restaurant that this matter be wrapped up quickly.

28.  Descriptions quickly become useless, and lines are passionately defended or disputed.

29.  Designed for asylum seekers whose cases are considered most likely to be decided quickly, the center can hold up to 350 people.

30.  Currie quickly came to the conclusion that the bones were 95 percent Albertosaurus.

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