1.  He was a keen traveller and could write of many European countries, as well as Canada, the United States and Scandinavia, from personal knowledge.

2.  Everyone here is a close friend or relative and we all have personal knowledge of Annabelle's unique qualities, her kindness, her gift for creating a happy atmosphere and her loyal friendship.

3.  The referees must have personal knowledge of the applicant and consider that he or she supports the aims of the Society.

4.  In 1911 Shinwell, after varied experience in a number of industries, became through the good offices of the highly influential Glasgow Trades Council, of which he was vice-chairman, a voluntary official of Wilson's union, though he had no personal knowledge of seagoing or of the sea.

5.  Created out of personal knowledge and friendship with most of the players he writes about, Bellamy makes full use of his uncanny anecdotal memory which enlivens an already creative rhetoric about no fewer than 30 great champions of yesterday, today and - dare I say it - tomorrow.

6.  You need to exploit not only your commercial acumen, but also your personal knowledge of the people with whom you are dealing.

7.  The conference also included sessions led by local people with personal knowledge of poverty in Preston who will share their experiences.

8.  [Hilary Spurling, Ivy When Young , 1974, and Secrets of a Woman's Heart , 1984; A Conversation between I. Compton-Burnett and M. Jourdain , Orion: a Miscellany, vol. i, 1945; personal knowledge.]

9.  [John Lehmann, The Whispering Gallery , 1955, and Ancestors and Friends , 1962; personal knowledge.]

10.  [ The Times , 17 December 1962; Simon Callow, Charles Laughton: a Difficult Actor , 1988; Charles Higham, Charles Laughton, an Intimate Biography , 1976; Kurt D. Singer, The Charles Laughton Story , 1954; Elsa Lanchester, Charles Laughton and I , 1938; personal knowledge.]

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