71.  It enables us to recognize a wide range of subjective analyses of otherwise objective data, and to evaluate how well each analysis might meet our needs.

72.  Otherwise studying hard does'nt means that they will not study well.

73.  Do not just focus on what you've got, what you've lost, first you should find what you interest, otherwise all your efforts are meaningless.

74.  As is the father told us, or even as is the text of unit 2 presented, whether you make preparations for it or otherwise, a variety of pressures will compel you to do more what you not want to do, if not, you will be submerged in the society of the survival of the fittest.

75.  Otherwise, to benefit from love mentally and morally is only an empty talk!

76.  B. otherwise, chances are that much pleasure in daily life will be missed and ignored.

77.  Otherwise, college students are mature, so they can solve the problems between love and other things.

78.  Otherwise , we have to relate to the opposite sex.

79.  Otherwise, you would be misled by others.

80.  Otherwise, we shall have no companion.

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