11.  In my opinion, beauty contest is good originally.

12.  Losing his wife in his eighties, Clyde felt so solitary and began to communicate with Gussie, who had lived in Spur originally but moved to California afterwards.

13.  Telecommuting, resorted to cope with problems, sometimes runs counter to what we originally hope for.

14.  When someone fall in love with anther, he may spend less time doing what he should do originally.

15.  They talk on the phone originally and met in Spur.

16.  That will give them the means to even-God forbid-modify the masterpieces to see what they were like originally.

17.  Above all, through the project art museums , libraries, maybe home computers can be equip-ed with precise computer models and scholars will have an opportunity to get ace-ss to the masterpieces to see what they were like originally.

18.  For love originally means freedom, maybe crazy and full of passion, that approach to the taste of our young.

19.  Because we can modify the masterpieces to see what they were like originally and it will allow viewers to unmask some of Michelangelo's technics.

20.  On one hand, it can give us the means to modify the masterpieces to see what they were like originally.

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