91.  As a child, columnist Akilah Monifa thought a "white Christmas" was really for whites only.

92.  CUNY officials said that among the 91 students who did not pass the writing test last week, nearly 50 fell only a point or two short.

93.  Cuomo also referred to Pataki's defeat of Sen. Mary Goodhue, who was the only Republican woman in the state Senate, in a 1992 primary.

94.  Cuomo and the center's pliant board of directors then looked the other way as Palomino produced yet more mismanagement, toleration of corruption and only modest reforms.

95.  Depositors tried to withdraw 300 billion yen yesterday, but Kizu could only process 88.3 billion yen in requests by the end of the day.

96.  Depression strikes every few weeks, but only for a day.

97.  Deputy District Attorney Alan Carter said the police had to misrepresent themselves only to get close to Fleiss, and that Fleiss was a willing provider.

98.  Deputy Inspector Michael Collins, a spokesman for the Police Department, would say only, "There is a vigorous investigation ongoing relative to this matter."

99.  Deputy Luis Martinez said the final contract should be presented to both houses of Congress only next week.

100.  Deputy Mayor Randy Mastro said that only 14 of the 111 new diplomatic spots were in the Turtle Bay section of Manhattan, around the United Nations.

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