81.  One of them was from Chemistry Department while the other was from Physics Department.

82.  Last term, I organized one of our association's activities to invite a veteran to give a lecture on his experience during the War of Resistance Against Japan.

83.  Compared to only one dull role, two different roles make the world more colorful.

84.  However, in some fields, men or women are more suitable than the other, for example, in a family, husband is usually the one to fix the water pipe instead of the wife.

85.  On one hand, special periods of time, like economic recessions and wars, forcibly undermine the difference of traditional roles.

86.  One major reason is that although men and women are created equal, they are distinguished both physically and mentally.

87.  The one who tries to make a difference often receives strong resistance.

88.  In a traditional family, one statement was widespread and well-accepted: "The man goes out to work while the woman looks after the house. "

89.  One is of Li yang, CEO of the "Crazy English", hit his American wife, Kim.

90.  The other one is Harisu, a trans-gender from South Korea.

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