51.  The breakaway speed of the technology is increasing, as a second technology revolution reaches full flower.

52.  The amounts will increase as time passes and as the Russian economy makes a successful transition to the free market.

53.  The chances of this occurring in the talks with Jeter are increasing, as he edges toward free agency.

54.  The challenge is increasing, because urbanization is a trend everywhere in the third world, from Brazil to Zambia.

55.  The crop could increase because the government lifted a tax on exports, which could encourage farmers to plant larger crops.

56.  The importance of natural gas, an environmentally attractive fuel because it burns cleanly, will increase as the country becomes more dependent on it.

57.  The incidence of broken hips has increased as the population has become older.

58.  The incidence will increase after the floods recede because of the filthy sludge left behind.

59.  The number of bacteria which can carry the toxin is increasing, as is the number of infections and deaths worldwide.

60.  The number of direct charter flights to Havana has increased, as have family remittances.

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