71.  Have you ever found it interesting why the female side gets such a mark while the male does not get such one?

72.  I felt lucky that I lived in the second dormitory not the sixth, otherwise, I couldn't imagine how my life would be.

73.  It will not happen in other dormitories and students have to do the cleaning themselves.

74.  It is not a place for us to have a break after the journey in senior school, right?

75.  "But, but--uh I will not take part in any communities.

76.  Study is not the whole of university life.

77.  At a sudden, I even became speechless, not knowing how to comment on her opinion.

78.  No, absolutely not.

79.  If she was from the Department of History, she needed not to learn mathematics at all.

80.  "You are not majoring in history, are you? "

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