1.  Any questions, please call Todd C. Duncan, CoxNet night news editor, 404-525-5456.

2.  Any rescue would be welcome news for the owners of Credit Foncier stock and bonds, who have seen their risk grow daily.

3.  Any sign of its possible collapse, such as the recent defection of one of its leaders, Hwang Jang Yop, sounds like unambiguously good news.

4.  Any sign that the Fed doesn't think inflation is accelerating is good news for bonds because inflation erodes bonds' fixed-interest payments.

5.  Dennis has a harder time with the news _ not pushing him away but preferring not to talk about it.

6.  Defining "news" is a difficult assignment.

7.  CUBA-CASTRO (Havana) _ A news analysis on the papal visit.

8.  Cullen insisted he could not comment on widespread news reports about merger talks with Nynex, but offered a broad hint.

9.  Der Spiegel, Germany's top news magazine, called Kohl an "economic ignoramus" who has presided over the decline without spotting the dangers.

10.  Deriving good news from a plane crash that killed hundreds was an unsettling process for many.

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