11.  The newly rewarded author, Tomas Transtromer, has an insightful view to the society and a wide knowledge of humanity, which brings him to the stage of Nobel Prize of 2011.

12.  Sometimes as newly risen fields, they can hardly orientate themselves in fierce competition with others, which in turn deteriorates into an awkward condition-suffering contempt or the boycott.

13.  Last but not least, parents have to teach the kids some kinds of living skills so that the kids can accommodate themselves to the newly independent life quickly.

14.  There's other problems such as the booming population in reason for the newly medical technology.

15.  Therefore I compared the newly gathered data with the previous data, and made a chart as follows.

16.  Especially for us who newly entered the college, needing friends to face the new environment together.

17.  Many become newly alcoholisms because of peer interaction, curiosity or their sprits in the valley of shadow.

18.  As the nature of the web that the web is newly born and it belongs to nobody, there are no definite rules to control the operation of the web.

19.  When she and her family headed back to her dorm room, her mom bustled around putting things away and recognizing her newly bought items.

20.  Though there are so many problems, just like a baby newly born, we still can't ignore the advantages it has.

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