1.  there just 2 farms and more less woodes, maybe we can lisen the cring of the farm.

2.  the village had a great development in rencent ytears, and we believe the furtue of this village will be more beautiful!

3.  Besides, they never care too much about their appearance so they are slovenly for most of the time.

4.  The second one is most of the boys always choose their majors about natural sciences and the girls choose liberal arts.

5.  University campus is deemed to be the Garden of Eden of knowledge, vitality, innovation and suchlike terms, but there're many misunderstandings, to be more exact, stereotypes on campus.

6.  As far as I'm concerned, it's the biggest and most deadly stereotype on campus.

7.  Grade point average is approximately one of the most crucial indexes.

8.  As a place where the most creative human beings gather, school is almost changing every minute.

9.  This is my third semester to take these classes, but I've gotten more and more puzzled.

10.  Maybe, the following can explain this stereotype: \

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