61.  Any serious upgrade will cost more than the machine is worth.

62.  DeReyes said the Grizzly will be more fluid than that, but it still won't match a television broadcast.

63.  Deriding the Bush transition moves as a "fig leaf," he also couldn't resist one more jab at the governor.

64.  Derivatives are complicated financial contracts between two or more parties where the contract's value is tied to an underlying asset or pre-existing index.

65.  Deriving protected liberty interests from mandatory language in local prison codes would make of the fundamental right something more in certain States, something less in others.

66.  DeRogatis' detailed approach was far more suited for radio than television, where listeners could see and less commentary was preferred.

67.  DeRogatis' work was made far more difficult as serious eye problems developed.

68.  DeGeneres learned this the hard way after her ABC comedy was more concerned with her character coming out than being funny.

69.  Degussa has scheduled a press conference at 10 a.m. to give more information about its performance in fiscal 1997.

70.  DEHYDRATION: Drink a lot, drink a little more.

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