11.  One day, I couldn't help asking her why she did that, she told me that, " When I entered the university at the very start, I thought it was time for me to relax.

12.  One fresh recollection is about a talk between my teacher who teaches me politics and me.

13.  He told me that I was not far from "paradise", which dragged desperation out of me.

14.  Whence I was stamped with an image in which no homework bothers me and no people push me that hard.

15.  Notwithstanding the fact that I did have far more time for myself, I dared not wasting it after I went to Nanjing University, for many students are superior to me in so many aspects.

16.  For me, I am in favor of Bai's suggestion.

17.  Let me share with you.

18.  When hearing of this, most of them just turned to me and asked in a skeptical tone, "Are you going to do that? "

19.  It reminded me of an irony scene in film Freedom Writers: An African-American with straight A's was always set as a particular striking example more because of the seemingly impossible combination of humble race and high grades than her hard work and due achievements.

20.  I did not realize a stereotype until many seniors in DII admitted having been set in such embarrassment and until the leader stressed on presence in each meeting and activity to me in private after the first assembly of the organization.

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